Mostly stitching on this when acutely garden-missing. For instance yesterday afternoon: Out for a walk, I was admiring some lilac blooming shrubs, when along came a young woman, big unwrapped bundle of flowers and twigs in hand, who climbed the low wall around the shrubs and started breaking off blooms from right under my eyes, adding them to her bouquet (all this in front of the Ministry of the Interior, of all places).
Asked her to consider how those shrubs might look if every passerby would do so. She didn´t appreciate the advice, of course - they would grow afresh in no time, left alone they would only wither, nobody was looking at them anyway, so could I please spare her my "cool remarks".
Well, they believe the world is their playground ...
"The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden."
(Thomas Moore)
P.S. Perhaps someone can enlighten me: does "cool" denote something laudable nowadays, or something stupid, bad and boring = something previously known as "uncool" ?!
2 Kommentare:
ich habe heute deinen blog durch jude entdeckt. es gefällt mir immer wieder, deutschsprechende zu entdecken! ich mag deine arbeiten sehr. ich linke dich zu meinem.
bis auf weitere besuche!
oh, i wouldn't know. this is a wonderful diagram.
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