So I wanted to deal with something very
thin and soft... (tea dyed cotton on a
vintage handkerchief)
"Wir schauen auf Fensterstücke und Balkone wie man
auf ein Rudel Rehe schaut. Aber wir machen kein
Klopfgeräusch, wir beugen kein weites Panorama und
setzen uns hin. Wir freuen uns, trinken und rauchen,
wenn der Wohnblock jetzt knarrt, ja, sehr seetüchtig
ist, ein Schnittblumenfrachter ohne Schrauben. Die
Reihen der Fensterstücke und Balkone erfaßt eine
unverschwommene Einhelligkeit. In einem Zimmer
spielt noch ein Kind mit Schuhen, den Schnittblumen
eines Sturmkapitäns. Die Schiffbrüchigen stehen unten,
rufen. Flammender Glyzinienbogen, wir spüren die
Nähe unserer Hände und Füsse, o Kastanienzweig.
Wer, ja wer hat eine Seenot gefunden? Wer ist der
Sturm? Birken, Birken, wenn wir ertrinken, sind wir
(Farhad Showghi: Wohnblock mit Birken/
Row of Houses with Birches)
We look at windows and balconies as we look
at a pack of deer. But we make no sound
to rouse them, we don´t duck down beneath any broad horinzon
we just sit down. We´re quite happy, drinking and smoking
when the appartment block creaks quite seaworthy
that, a screwless freighter for cut blooms. The
rows of windows and balconies are encompassed by
unblurry unanimity. In a room
another child plays with shoes, cut blooms
of a storm captain. The shipwrecked stand below,
call out. Flaming wisteria arches, we feel the
closeness of our hands and feet, a chestnut branch.
Who, but who found a shipwreck? Who is the
storm? Birches, birches, when we drown we are
(transl. B. Currid)
9 Kommentare:
beautiful tranquil stitches
Oh, this verse reminds me of a number of things. On one level, the peace of temporary shelter, but I can see a moral question raised here too. The stitches are a kind of anchor.
i like the negative space on this one, which becomes the positive structural element. and how the stitches become bridges.
nice. soothing. cool. good choice for a sweltering, scratchy summer day.
Summer (heat really) makes me cranky and tired too. And yet there is a lot I love about it too. One of those things is sheer white fabrics....
lovely as always. I really like the softness of this and the way you have connected the two squares on the bottom with the stitching!
I like the soft coolness and the links between the squares xx
So, let´s see what we have here: stitches being tranquil + soothing + soft + cool, anchor, bridge + link, anti-sweltering - and making white fabrics into even more interesting white fabrics... what´s there beside stitching that could do all that...? :)
Simple and beautiful. I like the surprise of the curve stitch against the grid. I am not a summer person either!
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