"Nicht neu kann sein was du beginnst –
denn immer nimmst du was dir längst gegeben
und gibst es hin:
wie in der Liebe da es mir gebricht
an jeder Kenntnis: rot wie die Buchen Laub verstreun
maßlos am Wegrand wo ich schon sehr frühe ging …
und kannte nicht den Weg
und kenn ihn jetzt noch nicht
und kenne nicht das Kind des Schatten mir vorausläuft
und weiß nichts von der Sonne die ihr rotes Gold
dem Blattwerk einbrennt.
Und weiß nicht mehr den Herbst
der ernst in meinem Rücken ging und dem ich Schatten
war: stets neu entworfner Schatten ungezählter Herbste."
(Wolfgang Hilbig: Blätter und Schatten/Leaves and Shadows)
It can´t be new what you begin/ for you always take what
has been given you already/ and go on giving it away:
as in love, where I´m short of knowledge: red like the
beech-trees scatter leaves/immoderate at the roadside where
from early on I went.../ and did not know the way/and do not
know it till today/and do not know the child whose shadow
runs ahead of me/ and do not know about the sun, burning
her red gold into the foliage./ And do not know autumn
any more/ who solemnly walked behind my back and whose
shadow I have been: innumerable autums`shadow, always
sketched anew.
9 Kommentare:
That's a great poem and a fun wind catcher.
that top photo says to me the epitome of autumn for an artist--serene, warm, slightly spicey air and golden light--your branch is a perfect complement to it all
Thanks... - that poem is unpublished in print (as so many good ones...)
Beautiful and serene.
what a refreshing breeze this post is.
Thanks... ("autumn winds are blowing free, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! leaves fall down from ev´ry tree, ooh, ooh, ooh!".... )
ger...thank you for your comment.
Your creatures are still, all the better to admire their strange beauty.
Love the poem too.
... hope they keep still - I suspect they plunder the fridge at night... :)
Simple and beautiful--a lovely way to welcome fall!
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