that much already...
A small piece of cloth I located in the depths
of the sewing basket with four roundish patches
meaning to resemble stones or gems or whatever found
a new home there already, as well as another one
I started at my mother´s, using for the round
element one of my father´s old ties.
Alles hat seine Zeit - there´s a time for
"Everything happens to everybody sooner or
later if there is time enough.”
(George Bernard Shaw)
MANY THANKS, last but not least, for all
your kind and cheery good wishes....!
8 Kommentare:
A time to grow...
that is like a place map with the mementos built right in.
i always loved that quote.
...a time to enjoy and reflect... the colours in this piece..
sewing baskets are treasure troves!
And the blue circle is suggestive of Heaven.
Alles hat seine Zeit - das paßt gut zu Familie, Eltern, älter werden. Die Kinder werden erwachsener, die Eltern werden älter, Großeltern sind verstorben oder werden 100 Jahre alt.
the tie is a lovely touch :)
Happy belated birthday : )
Love the colors in this piece.
The blue circle reminds me of planets and stars.
Very nice.
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