

...for a short while, at least

Remember the dead poplar trees?
Here are some twigs I took from them...

...and from a chestnut tree (dead too...)

"Every creature is better alive than dead,
men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands
it aright will rather preserve its life than
destroy it."

(Henry David Thoreau)

8 Kommentare:

Eva hat gesagt…

...und neues Leben blüht aus den Ruinen.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Nett wär´s ja - leider gleicht es mehr - na, wie heißt das noch - wenn sich ein/e Kranke/r kurz vorm Ende noch mal besser fühlt...?!

Anonym hat gesagt…

My soul needed a little resurrection today and I did't exspect to find it. Visiting your blog was a remedy today. Although I have to remark that you comment did not leave much room for extended optimism... Best, C.

Threadspider hat gesagt…

I'm so glad you collected and cared for the twigs.And photographed them and wrote about them too, so they will live in the memory and in documents.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Hello, cps, thank you - about the (extended) optimism, let me quote one of my favourite spiritual guides, Mr. Kinky Friedman: "Personally, I´ve never been stupid enough to be an optimist. I know things are going to turn out shitty, but I´ve got my mind set to enjoy it"...
And thanks to you, too, Judith, for your kind thoughts...!!

ArtSparker hat gesagt…

Kinky Friedman?...now I'm really impressed by your literary range.

Comfort is pretty rare on the ground these days, I'll take blooms from the ruins as documented here...

neilwaukee hat gesagt…

i love the shade and colors and hue of your site, so incredibly perfect and beautiful. very nice i could live here.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

OK then, let´s all be just a little bit comforted... - and there was a rare male guest: hello neilwaukee, much appreciated...