Have been working on this mellow (and
calming...) little creature
"Du bist vom Wind erlöste Ackerkrume,
du bist ein Kind von Fisch und Blume.
Aus allem aufgehoben,
bist du der Wunsch der Seele..."
(Wolfgang Borchert, from: Der Vogel/The Bird)
You are topsoil, redeemed by wind,
you are the child of fish and flower.
Lifted out of everything, you are soul´s desire...
6 Kommentare:
Sweet, a gentle breeze.
I really like the poem and your stitching. Like something from a dream....
this is so calm and beautiful. love the little poem/saying! : )
are the stitches inspired by the words or are the words inspired by the stitches?
- the stitches took birdshape of their own accord, then I searched for a birdpoem to accompany them -and choose this one for the bird/fish thing, which I seem to be somehow obsessed by lately (and for WB, he was an important german post-war author)...
Lovely stitching and lovely "bird."
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