"im traum suche ich immer das weite und
erwache im bett. frage: wie weit ist mein
bett vom traum entfernt?"
(H.C. Artmann: im traum suche ich...)
dreaming, I´m always seeking the far-away and
wake up in bed. question: how far´s my
bed away from the dream?
6 Kommentare:
There are pathways in the branch.
i like the fringes. a nice finish. fringes are pathways into the structure of the fabric. or out. finished but not finished.
Only as far as you can see with your eyes closed.
Just read your previous post...what a goal! And already you've finished one...tis beautiful...
I like all the stitching on this one and the different layers. Very nice.
Also, the quote made me smile.
: )
The dark of the moon...
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