over completely...), and to get things a bit
more in order around here, I started on a couple
of projects for which I just take what scraps are
at hand, sewing them together without thinking
too much about what will come of it...
Here´s No. 1...
... made from small cotton and linen rectangles
and stray pen-on-fabric words from (other people´s)
poems. Since I decided not to butcher work by
others (except songs, they´re public domain in
a broader sense than poems...) for my stitching
any more, I rearranged them towards a new meaning:
In a poem another room,
like ways to look at
unblurry unanimity,
as we look at a child,
a bird, the horizon.
I meant to add a border to it, with a splash of
colour, but then...
... inspired by this and remembering this - I taped it
to a window...
Ha ha, neighbours with the evil eye (in case there
are, who knows...) - no chance for you here any more...
11 Kommentare:
a really lovely cloth...
It looks lovely against the window, very bookish. I find writing down other peoples poetry inspiring too.
Do you diagram sentences to learn about structure in German? We do in English. This is like some unconventional grammar.
Very special.
really wonderful, love the way the text looks x
Thanks... a bookish cloth, that´s nice... don´t know about that, Susan, being autodidact anyways, but there´s a picture on my mind of words on cards, being moved around on a table, don´t know where I remember it from...
i´ve enjoyed a lot this post, both visually and ... literaly, from the very title to the end, it´s beautiful. Ah! I´d like to have a neighbour like you, someone who preserved her intimacy in such a inspiring way...
DADA is the best!
Very pretty. I have similar plans for some tiny green scraps of silk - but that's a project for the Spring. I like the way you rearranged the words.
Thanks, again... - I´d like to have a neighbour like you, too, Aleph, who knows to appreciate homemade heathen prayer flags + such on the balcony next door... - we could do with some more/a new Dada I guess: fun with style... - looking forward to the green scrap piece, Kaye - + green in general ("life´s golden tree", as Goethe said), such a lot of grey here lately...
ah ha! a found poem in cloth :)
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