
Attention into leaves blown...

Well, I said it already - acute leaves mania...

"And possibly color is
into the octave

gradations of
into love into

in spite of into careful
attention into
leaves blown

into autumn blown
into tension into

growing into and
into ungrowing
desire into and into"

(Rosmarie Waldrop: PRE + CON

11 Kommentare:

Julie Shackson hat gesagt…

Lovely work, and the words compliment it beautifully!

deanna7trees hat gesagt…

bits and pieces of loveliness...

kaiteM hat gesagt…

lace with wings of leaf...k.

Joei Rhode Island hat gesagt…

Ahhh, restful. Like the colors of autumn. Like the white to remind me of winter's approach.

Lisa hat gesagt…

this is gorgeous.. both in verse and texture..very ethereal. the antique silk lace looks perfect admist those lovely fall leaves..you are truly gifted... your work is not only breathtaking to view but speaks of deep emotion.

Dot hat gesagt…

Soft autumnal tones expressed in a very special piece.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Thanks, Dot...

Anonym hat gesagt…


more leaves please!

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Got leaves mania, too...? ;)

ArtPropelled hat gesagt…

Love these images and the words go hand in hand.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Thank you - I´m very fond of Rosmarie Waldrop´s work...