

...this blog is still visited over a thousand times a month, despite being (almost) closed since summer 2016 – so, as blogging in general doesn't seem completely dead yet, I might as well use the existing opportunity to post the occassional photo, note and announcement here again...

Lately, I've enjoyed dyeing small batches of just a dozen scraps at a time: a bit of this and that into a small dye pot – and soon there is another one of these handy little selections, each in it's unique, unrepeatable shade of colour. Suits my working conditions, too, as I'm doing this in a small apartment kitchenette...

I've just added some bags of scraps to my shop. The ones above are dyed with dried buckthorn bark, which offers a nice, wide range of shades from yellow to deep brown...

4 Kommentare:

Sweetpea hat gesagt…

Hello Heike, so nice to see that you are still dyeing and also working on your collection of 'littles' .... and I know exactly what you mean about posting occasionally - I like that you will be! I, too, have been very remiss about posting regularly, but at the same time I can't bear the idea of my blog dying out.......
Nice to see you still out here!

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Thanks, Christi...

Anonym hat gesagt…

I follow you on instagram, but I'm glad to see you back here!

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Hi Dee... that's good to know, thank you... (despite the fact that I'm not doing Instagramm...:-))