
State of mind 2009


gone before the day was done, of

Thought it appropriate to attack
some of yesteryears loose ends,
dug out the state of mind-pillow

did some stitching on it, added pieces
of an old hankie and curtain...

and this fellow (who was inspired by a
detail in a photo of a pair of
embroidered boots which once belonged
to Peter the Great - whether he´s
wearing his royal lace underwear or is
having an x-ray of his rib cage I don´t
feel fit to decide...)

Zum Jahresbeginn,
vom Vorjahr mir geblieben
sind fünf Scheffel Reis.

At the start of year,
what I got left from last year
are five bushels rice.

(Basho, mit Gruß an Simone...)

6 Kommentare:

Eva hat gesagt…

Unbezahlbar, dieser Zar! Was für eine faszinierende Verwendung für die Spitze. Und ich liebe diese handgequiltete, gerippelte Oberfläche.

Threadspider hat gesagt…

Good to see the state of mind pillow again.

Paula Hewitt hat gesagt…

the royal lace underwear I think

jude hat gesagt…

aha! i see you and i are on the same mindswing....love that cat face.

ArtSparker hat gesagt…

Thanks for visiting my blog, I made the correction. I like the little cat character.

gerfiles hat gesagt…

Royal lace underwear it is then...