attach small hard objects to cloth -
and after doing it this way and that way -
I tried it the way indian mirror embroidery
is done (couldn´t find small round
mirrors, used a mother of pearl button
with the eye missing instead)
Last week I found this bag in a thrift-
store. I like the way it´s stitched,
doesn´t look like recent mass production...
"There would seem to be nothing more obvious,
more tangible and palpable, than the present moment.
And yet it eludes us completely. All the sadness
of life lies in that fact."
(Milan Kundera - borrowed at Thinker online...)
5 Kommentare:
I see you had some sychronicity at Jude's - lovely when that happens.
Sea shells? or seed pods of some sort? Think you could attach. I mean. There is also a kind of seashell found on the East Coast of the United States that is rather small and flat but ridged called elephant's toenails that would work with what you are doing now. Hmmm...maybe I can ask my R.I. contacts if they have any.
synchronicity. right. i feel i have always known you. i like the variation on the shisha. in that moment, what if we use anything we can find? how about those plastic animal eyes? the ones that move around. now those would be cool dots....
Seed pods indeed are likely candidates. And sea shells would, of course. Sad we don´t have an ocean around here (especially after
seeing Jude´s seaside photo..., or as Kurt Tucholsky put it: Berliners would like to have the Baltic Sea to one side of the house, and the Alps to the other...) Good of you to ponder getting some. Elephant´s toenails, I mean...
...and how very kind of you to say that, Jude! I ´m feeling quite a pleasant familiarity too whenever (which is: often...) I glimpse at your work, words, portraits...
I´ve been looking at those eyes in a craft-shop when I was searching for little mirrors, but they´re very plastic - would be great to find old ones, from a doll/Teddy bear clinic...
Another great way to incorporate buttons! Much more interesting than the usual shisha mirrors.
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